Toyota Corolla

1992-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Corolla
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engines
   + 3.1. Petrol engines
   - 3.2. Diesel engine
      3.2.1. Specifications
      3.2.2. Replacement of a gear belt
      3.2.3. Removal of a head of cylinders
      3.2.4. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
      3.2.5. Partition of a head of cylinders
      3.2.6. Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders
      3.2.7. Installation of a head of cylinders
      3.2.8. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves
      3.2.9. Check of a compression of cylinders
      3.2.10. Pistons and rods
      3.2.11. Measurement of cylinders
      3.2.12. Assembly of pistons and rods
      3.2.13. Installation of pistons and rods
      3.2.14. Cranked shaft and flywheel
      - 3.2.15. Cooling system Removal and installation of the water pump Thermostat
      + 3.2.16. Lubrication system
      3.2.17. Device of injection of diesel fuel
      3.2.18. Operation of the car on diesel fuel
      3.2.19. Fuel filter
      3.2.20. Fuel pump of a high pressure
      3.2.21. Nozzles
      3.2.22. Glow plugs
      3.2.23. Adjustment of the mode of idling
      3.2.24. Adjustment of the maximum turns
      + 3.2.25. Useful tips to owners of the diesel engine
   + 3.3. Electric equipment of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
+ 5. Fuel, exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

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3.2.15. Cooling system


Everything that was described for petrol engines, generally treats and diesel engines. Therefore the real subsection concerns only differences at removal and installation of certain details. It belongs for example to the water pump which works at the diesel engine through a gear belt drive, that is for replacement of the pump it is necessary to take off a gear belt.